Monday 16 April 2012


Hello - Mercy here!

I am just back from a fantastic trip to Zimbabwe - I was so busy I didn't get time to keep up with my blog so I will have to try to remember all that happened and get it up to date now! Yesterday I was still feeling very tired, so I stayed in at Pastor Iain and Norma's house while they went to church. But Ruth showed everyone in Bubbles, Splash and Tide Turners what Norine wrote on her family's blog about her perspective of their trip to Bali. Nico had to explain to some of the younger people there what "perspective" meant, but then everyone really enjoyed hearing about the trip and looking at the photos. The photo we all like best is the one with the monkey and its baby..

After they did all that, the children had a think about some questions they'd like to ask. The first 3 are for Norine and her parents to answer about Bali, and the rest are things we would like to ask all the children in Athens Link.

1. What games do children in Bali play? Do any of them have Beyblades?

2. Are there any kangaroos in Bali?

3. What sort of food did you eat? Did you have to eat any bugs?

1. How is Courage?

2. Have you any new members in Athens Link?

3. Are you all Georgia Bulldawgs fans?

Are there any questions you would like to ask us? Let Courage know and he can put them on our blog, like I've done!

That's all for now!

P.S. Did you know that the people in XStream decided to change the name of their group to Tide Turners? That happened a while ago but I'm not sure if we ever told you!

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