Monday 7 November 2011

A good visit!

Courage here:
I had such a great visit with my friend Mercy last month. I was excited to see her and Iain and Norma. She told me all about her time in Africa. Wow! I got to share with her what we do on Sunday nights with Ms. Peyton and the Athens Link children. God is so good!

We also spent some time looking at the world map. Mercy pointed out where she had been-cool! I loved hearing about Brazil.
Seeing the picture of the Dunfermline Link on the map!

The picture on the bottom of the map is a prayer and support card for my friend Sarah Olds. Sarah is a missionary in Mozambique. She has a blog too! Her blog is found at

We also spent some time putting our heads together to think of new blogs to share!

I'm always so thankful for the time we get to visit with each other!