Sunday 9 October 2011

At the farm

Hi everyone! Courage here. Everyone has been back to school for a while, and we are finally enjoying cooler weather! Here at Athens Link we got a new children's teacher this year-Miss Peyton! She is so great! Tonight we talked about what it looks like to love God with all of our hearts, soul, mind, and strength.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind...Luke 10:27

We at Athens Link are getting so excited about seeing Iain and Norma soon! I had such a fun visit with Mercy the last time she was out here. We visited friends and even did farm chores! Here are a few pictures...

Yay friends!

We rode in the front of the four-wheeler! I almost needed to use my googles!

This is Abigail, Norine and Silas's little sister, who was telling us to hold on.

We found a comfy spot in the hen house during farm chores!

That's a lotta chickens.